Our 2023-24 Committee was voted in at our last AGM in October. We meet on a monthly basis and keep the club running. If you’re looking for us, we wear yellow armbands before the runs, so just approach us if you need anything.

We’re here to answer any questions you have and can be contacted at

Andrew Stamp

  • When did you start running?

    I started when I joined the club - I was always good with cardio exercising, having swam competitively for around 8 years, and having played badminton since I was 8 but never really got into running even though my twin sister was into athletics during school.

    It was a bit of a fitness kick to make sure I could eat all the bad snacks and take always when I started as well as being able to meet more people from the LGBTQIA+ community.

    When did you join GFR?

    I really started running when I joined the club. I was fed up of the gym, but didn't really like running on a treadmill or outside.

    Other people I knew were members, so it was a great way to run with others, improve and meet new people. I joined in 2017/18.

    When did you join the committee?

    My first push into the committee world was to volunteer as part of the OUTrun committee jointly organising the marshals and volunteers for the day assisting the Events Officer.

    It was great fun being involved and I like the process of organising and managing those types of events, watching them all come together and the enjoyment the club and participants get from it.

    I was then elected as the Events Officer in 2019/20, 2020/21 and 2021/22 something which I found great enjoyment in. While challenging, as partially during COVID, it was also a fulfilling getting our events back on track.

    During 2021/22 I was elected for the first of my two year term as president. I put myself forward for multiple reasons - firstly it's a great club, I have really enjoyed being part of it since I started and I wanted to continue to be able to give back while it was needed. Secondly, for me, it was to continue my own running journey - something which is still a work in progress.

    What runs and races do you typically attend?

    When I started in the club I would typically run our 5K runs, progressing to 7.5Ks and more usually our Thursday 60 min 10Ks. My next push is to move onto our 55min 10Ks and plan my first half marathon before 2024 is finished!

    Race wise, this year I joined the club taking part in the Belfast Marathon Relay and the Great Scottish Run 10km, and joined to support at Endure, our Cross Country events and various others. Supporting is also half the fun!

    What's your favourite GFR event?

    I am biased as I have organised it a number of times virtually and in person, however it has to be OUTrun, which is our 5 mile timed race around Kelvingrove Park. It is always a highlight of the club year.

    What do you love most about GFR?

    I love the social aspect of the club. During runs on a Thursday or Sunday chatting away, social events, race events or supporting.

    There is always something for everyone regardless of ability. I really do enjoy volunteering and being involved at a committee level helping the club to run smoothly and deliver the best our club can for our members.

    What's your favourite animal?

    Oooo that is a tough one! I think I would say otter's or highland cows calves.

    What do you do when you're not running?

    By day, I lead a business unit for a large global technology company, with teams split across the world - which my friends all think means I go on "holiday" for work.

    By night, I also enjoy playing badminton, playing in a local LGBTQIA+ club and running a small club on another evening for extra games. The rest is split with friends, family and socialising!

    Anything else we should know about you...

    I am a Paisley boy originally but now live in the Westend in Hillhead. I am 42 (shh) and for the last few years spend my spare time and money, slowly renovating my flat.

  • Andrew’s responsibilities as President

    • Be accountable, with other officers, for governance of the Club

    • Manage the strategic development of the Club

    • Lead implementation of the Club’s aims

    • Create and support initiatives to foster a friendly Club atmosphere

    • Establish links with other FrontRunner groups and the wider running community

    • Ensure fiscal governance

    • Chair committee meetings, or authorise proxy

    • Lead and manage committee members’ work

    • Support members who take responsibility for Club activities

    • Keep up to date with governance in sports generally

    • Report to the AGM

    • Overall responsibility for maintaining and owning club assets

    • Lead the organisation and participation in Glasgow’s Pride events allowing representation and advocacy for LGBTQIA+ people in running and sport

    • Ownership of routine maintenance of the Clubs shared online storage

    Andrew’s responsibilities as a member of the Committee

    • To act solely in the interests of Glasgow Front Runners membership

    • The governance and strategic development of the club

    • Organising club run sessions

    • Welcoming and supporting runners

    • Regularly attending club runs, social events and races

    • Adhering to club policies and procedures

    • Supporting President, Treasurer, Secretary and Run Secretary in discharging the duties of their offices

    • Creating a safe space for LGBTQIA+ runners and our allies

    • Promote regular club running amongst the membership

    • Create and promote leadership opportunities for and with the membership

Drew Gibson

  • When did you start running?

    Around 10 years ago. I started running with GFR & built up from there. Having a stressful job I find that running helps relieve stress & clears my mind.

    When did you join GFR?

    Around 10 years ago. I had friends in the club who encouraged me to join.

    When did you join the committee?

    In August 2021 I was appointed as the club secretary. At this time the club was very much 'on its knees' following the pandemic. We were focussed on getting the club back to a strong position & I worked alongside a great team to remobilise the club. I felt having been in the club for some time, it was an important time to give something back.

    What runs and races do you typically attend?

    I did the 7.5Ks on Thursdays for many years. During the pandemic my running greatly improved & I then become a jog leader. I then moved on to the faster 10Ks, & now typically run the 50min 10K run on Thursdays. I have ran two marathons with GFR to date, & have many completed many half marathons over the last 10 years.

    What's your favourite GFR event?

    I love the island club trips. These are a great way to see the Scottish Islands & have been so much fun. I am looking forward to the 2024 Arran trip!

    What do you love most about GFR?

    The sense of community. I have met so many great friends in the club & it has become a large part of my life.

    What's your favourite animal?

    Terrier dogs

    What do you do when you're not running?

    My hobby is anything to do with flying, I am a total aviation geek!

  • Drew’s responsibilities as Club Secretary

    • Service committee meetings (agenda, minutes, papers, etc)

    • Service the AGM and any EGMs (agenda, minutes, papers, elections)

    • Maintain the Club constitution, policies and procedures

    • Maintain the Club membership and attendance records

    • Act as official Club contact for correspondence/enquiries

    • Represent the club at external meetings (such as the Scottish Athletics or International Frontrunners AGMs)

    • Maintain and monitor Scottish Athletics EDDI self-assessment on behalf of the Club.

    • Process ownership for the Club’s refugee and asylum seeker procedure to allow participation in running

    Drew’s responsibilities as a member of the Committee

    • To act solely in the interests of Glasgow Front Runners membership

    • The governance and strategic development of the club

    • Organising club run sessions

    • Welcoming and supporting runners

    • Regularly attending club runs, social events and races

    • Adhering to club policies and procedures

    • Supporting President, Treasurer, Secretary and Run Secretary in discharging the duties of their offices

    • Creating a safe space for LGBTQIA+ runners and our allies

    • Promote regular club running amongst the membership

    • Create and promote leadership opportunities for and with the membership

Ewen Fowlie

  • When did you start running?

    Got signed up with a work team to do the Highland Cross Coast to Coast event in 2002 (which I ended up doing 3 years in a row) - hadn't ran past myself up to then!

    When did you join GFR?

    I joined in 2014 after the Commonwealth Games. Needed encouragement to keep running and to meet new people with a similar interest in running.

    When did you join the committee?

    Having been a member for so long I wanted to give something back and contribution to the development of the club.

    What runs and races do you typically attend?

    10km (70 min ad 60 min).

    What's your favourite GFR event?

    OUTrun, fantastic event and highlight of our calendar.

    What do you love most about GFR?

    The feeling of community and support.

    What's your favourite animal?

    My 14 year old Greyhound Bertie.

    What do you do when you're not running?

    Cycling, hillwalking, and I try my hand at DIY!

  • Ewen’s responsibilities as Treasurer

    • Be responsible for financial governance, including statutory and management accounting reporting (maintaining appropriate accounting records, reporting actual performance and forecasts/business plans to committee and AGM, as appropriate)

    • Be responsible for compliance with UK taxation requirements

    • Manage the bank account and cash-flow to minimise bank charges

    • Be responsible for timely payment of all expenses, including ensuring compliance with delegated authorities as stipulated in Constitution

    • Be responsible for ad-hoc financial involvement with sponsorship and funding applications

    • Be responsible for the procurement of club assets

    • Organise club kit

    Ewen’s responsibilities as a member of the Committee

    • To act solely in the interests of Glasgow Front Runners membership

    • The governance and strategic development of the club

    • Organising club run sessions

    • Welcoming and supporting runners

    • Regularly attending club runs, social events and races

    • Adhering to club policies and procedures

    • Supporting President, Treasurer, Secretary and Run Secretary in discharging the duties of their offices

    • Creating a safe space for LGBTQIA+ runners and our allies

    • Promote regular club running amongst the membership

    • Create and promote leadership opportunities for and with the membership

Aidan Smeaton


  • When did you start running?

    June 2021 - I was never really into fitness, but during the pandemic I became really aware of how much of a lazy slug I was and I wanted to make a change.

    I did the 'Couch to 5K' programme (on my own, not with the club) and started regularly running about 5 km a few times a week. I loved how it helped me clear my mind, and it was an excuse to leave the house during the lockdowns.

    When did you join GFR?

    March 2022 - I saw the club on a friend's Facebook story and thought "I'm gay, I run, and I live in Glasgow - why not!?"

    When did you join the committee?

    October 2023 - I have some experience in digital communications and a background in software development and user experience (UX) design, so figured I would be able to get to grips with the weekly newsletter, website, and social media posts relatively easily.

    I also wanted to show my appreciation for the club by giving something back.

    What runs and races do you typically attend?

    I started out regularly doing the 7.5Ks on Thursdays. I then moved on to the 60 minute 10Ks, and more recently I've been doing the 50 minute 10Ks.

    I'm a night owl so you probably won't see me at parkruns or the Sunday runs - I will most likely be in my bed!

    I did three 10K races in 2022 and three half-marathons in 2023. And no, that doesn’t mean I’ll be doing three marathons in 2024!

    What's your favourite GFR event?

    I love the club trips! I went to Belfast, Stornoway, and Tenerife in 2023 and had an absolute blast! It's a great way to get to know other members, and to make a holiday out of a race event.

    What do you love most about GFR?

    I think it gives me something I didn't even know I was missing before I joined - a sense of community. I have met so many cool, fun, interesting, and inspiring people here.

    We support each other when the going gets tough, and we celebrate each others' successes. GFR has pushed me to do things I never thought I could do.

    What's your favourite animal?

    Capybara! They’re just so chill and friendly.

    What do you do when you're not running?

    At work I'm a manager for a digital team at a local authority. I'm quite musical and have been in a few bands over the year - I enjoy producing pop music and writing lyrics.

    I also love socialising, going out to the pub, and going to see some stand-up comedy. I binge watch short documentaries on YouTube about space, geography, and other nerdy things.

    Anything else we should know about you...

    I'm 33 and from Paisley originally, and now live in the Gorbals. I’m low-key obsessed with The Traitors and will talk to anyone about it!

  • Aidan’s responsibilities as Communications Secretary

    • Primary responsibility for communicating all club information, including, but not limited to upcoming runs, events, social activities, trip plans etc to members, updating website content, publications of blogs, newsletters, press releases and announcements on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter with content as agreed by committee

    • Keep abreast of new electronic social networking options for promoting the Club

    • Update Club details with other groups that display GFR web links

    • Draft and publish social media and other adverts as required for annual club events such as Red Run, Rainbow Run and OUTrun

    • Maintenance of Club mailing lists.

    • Liaison of any graphic design requirements.

    • Liaison of any digital record of club events (photography/video).

    Aidan’s responsibilities as a member of the Committee

    • To act solely in the interests of Glasgow Front Runners membership

    • The governance and strategic development of the club

    • Organising club run sessions

    • Welcoming and supporting runners

    • Regularly attending club runs, social events and races

    • Adhering to club policies and procedures

    • Supporting President, Treasurer, Secretary and Run Secretary in discharging the duties of their offices

    • Creating a safe space for LGBTQIA+ runners and our allies

    • Promote regular club running amongst the membership

    • Create and promote leadership opportunities for and with the membership

Tony Jasnosz-Clark

  • When did you start running?

    I started running in 2017 - I had recently lost a lot of weight and needed a sport to make sure I kept the weight off. It boiled down to either running or the gym… and I hate the gym! In truth, I also hated running but I think that the rapid gains you make as a beginner triggered the competitive streak in me. I also didn’t expect how good it would be for my mental health.

    When did you join GFR?

    I joined at the beginning of 2022. My husband and I talked for a number of years about joining a running club, and then Covid hit which parked the idea. He joined six months before me just as the club was beginning to reopen again - once he was absorbed into the ‘GFR cult' I realised it was time to join him or lose him forever.

    When did you join the committee?

    I’ve recently joined in October 2023. The main reason I joined the committee is that, having seen all the hard work that so many other members have put in, I thought it was only right that I take a turn.

    What runs and races do you typically attend?

    Until this year my preferred distance was the half marathon and the Edinburgh Half Marathon was my favourite place to run it. It’s great for PBs as it’s net downhill and you start by running too fast down the Royal Mile!

    But then I was convinced (/peer pressured) at the beginning of 2023 to do my first marathon with the club in Belfast, and despite it being the hardest thing I’ve ever done I’m now training for my third marathon! I normally run with the club on Thursdays as I can fit that into my training plan.

    What's your favourite GFR event and why?

    I don’t know if it strictly counts as an event, but running Endure 24 last year with the club just had that something special that raised it above the other amazing club experiences like OUTrun and the club trips. Imagine a trip where they make you sleep in a tent for two days in the middle of nowhere, run multiple 8k loops over 24 hours either in 27°C heat or at 3 in the morning, getting no more than 2 hours sleep and... it was one of my best achievements since I started running. We had three GFR teams competing and it was such a unique experience that we all got through together!

    I might even take my tent poles to this year’s event!

    What do you love most about GFR?

    The club brings together so many different types of interesting people that I just don’t think you’d find in many other clubs. You can have the most random conversations on a run. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a seasoned runner, or a recent Couch to 5K graduate the sense of pride and achievement you see when people achieve their goals is heartwarming and equally celebrated.

    When you count up the committee members, OUTrun team, and the jog leaders and coaches there are over 50 people in this club who give up their time so we can all just 'go for a run'. There are so many reasons to be proud of the club, and what we all do for each other.

    What's your favourite animal?

    I’d love a dog one day, but I couldn’t leave it alone in the house without feeling guilty.

    What do you do when you're not running?

    Complain about how tired I am from marathon training and that I’m always hungry!

    Anything else we should know about you…

    I can be bribed with Lion Sports Mixture and will judge you harshly if you try to use Maynards.

  • Tony’s responsibilities as Run Secretary

    • Organise monthly Jog Leader (JL) rota

    • Support JL’s in delivering weekly run programme

    • Ensure a suitably qualified JL & coaching team, organise succession planning and provide access to relevant Scottish Athletics qualifications

    • Convene and attend regular JL meetings

    • Attend regular coaching meetings

    • Management of Spond

    • Responsible for the execution of the Club 'Couch to 5K' programme

    Tony’s responsibilities as a member of the Committee

    • To act solely in the interests of Glasgow Front Runners membership

    • The governance and strategic development of the club

    • Organising club run sessions

    • Welcoming and supporting runners

    • Regularly attending club runs, social events and races

    • Adhering to club policies and procedures

    • Supporting President, Treasurer, Secretary and Run Secretary in discharging the duties of their offices

    • Creating a safe space for LGBTQIA+ runners and our allies

    • Promote regular club running amongst the membership

    • Create and promote leadership opportunities for and with the membership

Finn Boyd

  • When did you start running?

    I've been running for almost 10 years, I started when I was in 3rd year at secondary school because my Maths teacher organised an after-school running club. I tagged along to try it out and immediately fell in love with the sport. From there I started doing my local parkrun in Ruchill and immediately became obsessed with all things parkrun and running in general.

    From there I joined Maryhill Harriers, my first running club, and the rest is history! I find it's a great way of getting out of the house and clearing my head when everything is so busy and stressful. Nothing gives me a sense of clarity better than an hour's run along the West Highland Way!

    When did you join GFR?

    I joined GFR after volunteering at OutRun 2022, I was supposed to run but illness and injury meant I wasn't able to run but I still wanted to be involved so thought I'd put myself forward to volunteer. I was quite anxious about coming along as I didn't know anyone, but immediately everyone was so friendly and welcomed me in. I went along to the ceilidh afterwards, which again I was anxious about but it was a great choice.

    Straight away, I knew this was the club for me! When I was getting back into running after my spell on the sidelines, GFR felt like a good way of getting back into the sport as the size of the groups meant I wouldn't be running on my own and it was a great way to stay in touch with these great new people I'd met!

    When did you join the committee?

    I'm new to the committee as of this year. When Ed first told me he was stepping down, he mentioned that he thought I'd be great for the role of Race Secretary. As I was part of a club before GFR, I have a knowledge of local races of all distances organised by other Glasgow-based clubs as well as experience of Scottish Athletics events as a competitor and for a short period of time working with them in a voluntary capacity. It's also a good way of still being involved in the club as I experience another lengthy spell on the sidelines. Organising the races for everyone means I can enjoy the races vicariously through them!

    What runs and races do you typically attend?

    When I first started, I worked my way up through the 5k, 7.5k and then the different paced 10ks so I've had a bit of time in each of the Thursday running groups. On a typical Thursday night now, I try to go with the fastest group possible, so your 45 or 50 min 10k. I also try to come along to as many coaching sessions as possible because it's such a different type of session from the Thursday runs. Speedwork is something that is so hard to do on your own, so those kind of interval, hill rep and fartlek sessions are really good for pushing yourself. As for races, I'm not a massive fan of a 10k but I begrudgingly try and do a couple a year as well as a half marathon, my distance of choice. parkrun though is the literally the best running event you can do, I cannot recommend it highly enough.

    What's your favourite GFR event?

    I mean, it's the obvious answer but it has to be OutRun! It marks my anniversary of joining the club so it has a special place in my heart, but more generally it's just a fantastic event. So well organised, the atmosphere and buzz surrounding the whole event is just second to none! I ran it for the first time this year and it's a tough old route, but the support you get from the Marshals and even just passersby is incredible. The group warm-up, the piper marching us up to the start, it's better organised than some bigger profile races I've ran.

    What do you love most about GFR?

    The camaraderie; I have met so many fantastic people since joining GFR, many of whom I would say are friends for life. They've helped in more ways than just being company for 50 minutes on a Thursday. They welcomed me in straight away, and even now while I'm not running again, they are making me feel a part of the club.

    What's your favourite animal?

    It's got to be a panda, I'm a Paisley gal at heart! C'mon you Saints! 🏁

    What do you do when you're not running?

    I've just started a degree with the Open University in primary teaching, which is a career I've been wanting to work towards for the last 8 years or so, so it's nice to feel like I'm beginning to make steps towards that. I work in hospitality, currently in a café/bar in Thornwood which keeps me busy in the evenings when I've finished studying. I don't have many other hobbies, but I am very interested in music (mainly because I'm not musical in the slightest!) and I have a Tiktok account dedicated to playing music from different Scottish artists.

    Anything else we should know about you...

    I'm 22, non-binary with they/them pronouns and am obsessed with parkrun. I'm a Run Director at 2 parkruns and 2 junior parkruns, so if you don't already run or volunteer at parkrun be prepared for me to try and get you involved! Contrary to some people's opinions, I have in fact lived in Glasgow my whole life despite my rather soft accent!

  • Finn’s responsibilities as Race Secretary

    • Develop annual race calendar including monthly Parkrun events, Parkrun takeovers and other races throughout calendar year

    • Encourage and manage participation in Scottish Athletics Cross Country championships

    • Manage race experience for members

    • Collate race results and distribute amongst members

    • Ensure correct and safe storage of relevant photographs in GFR archives

    • Responsible for annual Club trips organisation (whatsapp groups, participation & travel spreadsheet etc.), and similar for assisting race support for main Club races

    Finn’s responsibilities as a member of the Committee

    • To act solely in the interests of Glasgow Front Runners membership

    • The governance and strategic development of the club

    • Organising club run sessions

    • Welcoming and supporting runners

    • Regularly attending club runs, social events and races

    • Adhering to club policies and procedures

    • Supporting President, Treasurer, Secretary and Run Secretary in discharging the duties of their offices

    • Creating a safe space for LGBTQIA+ runners and our allies

    • Promote regular club running amongst the membership

    • Create and promote leadership opportunities for and with the membership

Eamonn Butler McIntosh

  • When did you start running?

    I used to run when I was younger at school and always enjoyed cross country. I stopped running when I went to University, and only took it up again in 2010, as a way to try and improve my fitness and give me an excuse to get out of the flat. It worked because almost 14 years later, I'm still running.

    When did you join GFR?

    I joined GFR back in 2011. I had been running by myself and wanted to run with a group for some company. A friend of mine who ran with the club recommended it and the rest, as they say, is history.

    When did you join the committee?

    This is my third time on the committee. The first time was back in 2013. I rejoined the committee this year as coaching secretary. I am one of six coaches that the club has at present and the secretary role acts as an important link between the main club committee and the coaching team.

    What runs and races do you typically attend?

    I don't run as many races as I used to but I still enjoy them when I do. My favourite distance is the half marathon, although I also don't mind a cheeky wee 10km ever once in a while.

    What's your favourite GFR event?

    My favourite GFR event is the Red Run. I was involved with the first Red Run in 2013 and it's amazing to see that the event is still going strong after 10 years.

    Although there have been many positive developments for people living with HIV, there are also still a lot of challenges and the need to maintain awareness, encourage testing and tackle stigma and shame remain really important.

    The Red Run is one way the club and its members can raise the profile of HIV awareness and support working in collaboration with THT and other HIV charities based here in Scotland.

    What do you love most about GFR?

    People Make Glasgow Frontrunners. What more is there to say!

    The club and its members are without doubt the best thing. It is a real community and I have made many wonderful friends through the club. I know I will make many more in the years to come too.

    What's your favourite animal?

    Absolutely an unfair question, because I love all animals. But if I had to narrow it down then it has to be dogs or sharks.

    Dogs, because I have two of the most wonderful hounds you will ever meet - crazy daft springadors.

    Sharks, because well they are so graceful and powerful and just awe inspiring when you see one!

    What do you do when you're not running?

    I should say work, but when I am mot working or running, I am usually walking the dogs or drinking far too much coffee.

    Anything else we should know about you...

    I'm a typical Cancerian and place a high value on family and close friends. I also adore travelling and when I can I will try and mix running up with travel.

    The most exciting run I have ever done was the Great Wall of China Marathon. It was just mind boggling to think I was running on such an ancient monument.

  • Eamonn’s responsibilities as Coaching Secretary

    • Organise monthly coaching rota

    • Support coaches in delivering weekly coaching programme

    • Arrange delivery of training programmes (including C25k, 5to10k, half marathon and marathon programmes)

    • Convene and attend regular coaching meetings

    • Support coaches in delivery and booking of track sessions as required

    Eamonn’s responsibilities as a member of the Committee

    • To act solely in the interests of Glasgow Front Runners membership

    • The governance and strategic development of the club

    • Organising club run sessions

    • Welcoming and supporting runners

    • Regularly attending club runs, social events and races

    • Adhering to club policies and procedures

    • Supporting President, Treasurer, Secretary and Run Secretary in discharging the duties of their offices

    • Creating a safe space for LGBTQIA+ runners and our allies

    • Promote regular club running amongst the membership

    • Create and promote leadership opportunities for and with the membership

Alex Mudie

  • When did you start running?

    I started running on my own in 2018. My first run ever was the Great Scottish Run 10k and I ran for the STV Children’s appeal through my work.

    When did you join GFR?

    I heard about GFR through word of mouth and my first involvement and experience with the club was OUTrun in 2019 and I decided to volunteer as a run marshal. I started attending regular club runs after that and haven’t looked back since!

    When did you join the committee?

    I joined the committee initially in the year 2020/21 as the Club Secretary as I was still trying to keep on top of my running despite living in Fife and being away from Glasgow for the majority of the lockdown. I have rejoined the committee as Social Secretary in 2023/24 as I feel a sense of duty and obligation to give back to the club that has given me so much over the past few years - not just in terms of my overall physical and mental wellbeing but creating lasting friendships along the way.

    What runs and races do you typically attend?

    I’ve become a much more consistent and regular runner over the years and I do aim to come along to the 50 minute 10k runs at least once a week. If I’m training for a race, I find the Tuesday coaching sessions and incorporating the Sunday runs (especially the longer runs for marathon training) make running so much more enjoyable. You get a sense of community and that everyone is working together for the same goal or race.

    From that you’ll probably have gathered that I tend to sign up for the club marathon events. I did my first marathon with GFR in Brighton in 2022 and it was such an incredible experience that the club trip is now a must for my training! I do also like to keep an eye on local races and did cross country for the first time this year.

    What’s your favourite GFR event and why?

    I have to say OUTrun as it just encompasses everything GFR is as a club, there’s a great event enjoyed by GFR and it’s other friends and frontrunner families in the stunning Kelvingrove Park. The Ceilidh afterwards is always so well attended and the whole day makes me feel very proud to call Glasgow and GFR my home!

    What do you love most about GFR?

    I love that GFR feels like family. When I dip out for a little while due to work commitments or otherwise and then come back, I always feel welcomed with open arms. You do genuinely feel supported and safe on runs.

    I do also love that our membership is growing year on year which is just testament to the fact that so many LGBTQIA+ runners want to be a part of the family! The members of the club just feel so friendly and genuine that it feels like an especially safe space and community.

    What is your favourite animal?

    Otters. Both the river and sea variety! I love how they can be so mischievous and adorable at the same time. I have a sea otter mouse mat at my work that never fails to make me smile!

    What do you do when you’re not running?

    Since GFR has changed my outlook and appetite for exercise, I’ve become a bit of a multi-disciplinary sports person. I really enjoy going out on adventure cycles with some friends and getting to explore local areas that I wouldn’t normally get the chance to on my own.

    I’m also really into my retro video games (mainly Nintendo consoles) and play some casual board games with friends frequently too.

    Anything else we should know about you?

    I’m half Cuban and fluent in Spanish!

  • Alex’s responsibilities as Social Secretary

    • Organise monthly Club social events

    • Organisation of the Summer Mugdock BBQ

    • Organisation of OUTRun social weekend

    • Organisation of Club volunteer celebrations

    • Organise additional club social events as required

    • Establish links with other sports clubs to provide additional sport related social activities

    Alex’s responsibilities as a member of the Committee

    • To act solely in the interests of Glasgow Front Runners membership

    • The governance and strategic development of the club

    • Organising club run sessions

    • Welcoming and supporting runners

    • Regularly attending club runs, social events and races

    • Adhering to club policies and procedures

    • Supporting President, Treasurer, Secretary and Run Secretary in discharging the duties of their offices

    • Creating a safe space for LGBTQIA+ runners and our allies

    • Promote regular club running amongst the membership

    • Create and promote leadership opportunities for and with the membership

Shannon Hall

  • When did you start running?

    I started running as a child in little athletics and amateur athletics! But it wasn’t until I moved to Glasgow and discovered GFR in 2020 that I really got into it properly.

    When did you join GFR?

    January 2020 - I did the ‘Couch to 5K’ programme. I joined because I’d given up smoking, put on a bit of weight, and heard great things from others about C25K!

    When did you join the committee?

    October 2021 - I originally joined as the Welfare and Inclusion Officer. I re-joined in 2022 as Events Secretary. It’s great to be able to give back to the club.

    What runs and races do you typically attend?

    I come to the club on Thursdays and Sundays. I run every distance, from jog leading the ‘Couch to 5K’ group to training at marathon distances - and everything in between. I did my first marathon last year with the club in Belfast!

    What’s your favourite GFR event and why?

    It has to be OUTrun! As Events Secretary I’m responsible for the smooth running of OUTrun - Scotland’s largest LGBTQIA+ running race. It’s also GFR’s flagship race, open to all FrontRunner clubs and any other running club in Scotland. It’s a fabulous day and we raise funds for LGBTQIA+ charities.

    What do you love most about GFR?

    It’s a great social outlet! For me, it’s also therapy, fitness, friends, and most importantly, a community!

    What is your favourite animal?


    What do you do when you’re not running?

    I love to garden, swim, and dance semi-naked! I escape to Millport when I can for a cold water swim. In my 9-5 I work for a large bank so running gives me a good release from that.

    Anything else we should know about you?

    I’m Australian, from Moonee Ponds where Dame Edna is from!

  • Shannon’s responsibilities as Events Secretary

    • Plan and organise club race / running events including OUTrun, Red Run, and Rainbow Run

    • Coordinating discussion with relevant parties (sponsors, venues, local authorities etc)

    • Working with the Treasurer, ensure good fiscal management of OUTrun

    • Encouraging participation and support from members to help stage these events.

    Shannon’s responsibilities as a member of the Committee

    • To act solely in the interests of Glasgow Front Runners membership

    • The governance and strategic development of the club

    • Organising club run sessions

    • Welcoming and supporting runners

    • Regularly attending club runs, social events and races

    • Adhering to club policies and procedures

    • Supporting President, Treasurer, Secretary and Run Secretary in discharging the duties of their offices

    • Creating a safe space for LGBTQIA+ runners and our allies

    • Promote regular club running amongst the membership

    • Create and promote leadership opportunities for and with the membership

Johnpaul McCabe


  • When did you start running?

    I was always a treadmill runner until I joined GFR. I never had a positive relationship with sport and activity so this solo activity seemed more suited to me.

    When did you join GFR?

    I first joined GFR back in 2012. I was working for a queer charity that GFR had been raising money for so a number of us came along to run with the club. Promoted as a “post Pride” introductory run it was for me a super fast sprint along the canals. However, the sense of being part of my community for the first time that was not either work or “the scene” was really eye-opening for me and I stayed with the club for the next two years. I was pretty shy but within 2 years had gone from barley running to completing 10K runs on the regular. I then left in 2014 to move up north and become a teacher.

    With the teacher life came stress and the staffroom trap. My weight ballooned, my fitness level collapsed and my confidence disappeared along with my ability to rejoin the club when I returned to Glasgow. Eventually I was encouraged to re-join GFR by some of the new friends I had met through the Queer Badminton Club. So I waited a couple of months and then joined with the C25K programme in 2020.

    When did you join the committee?

    Sadly most of the first two years of GFR for me was disrupted by the lockdowns and restrictions. The C25K pals I had made became my surrogate family in the city as I was isolated from my own. My running ability once more went into reverse and I started to develop a number of muscle problems. In this time though the club had become fractured and a shadow of what I had seen in January 2020. Though I had only recently returned to 2k-3k recovery groups I heard the pleas for people to put themselves forward for the committee to start the recovery phase of GFR. I was pretty nervous, and didn’t really know very many people in the club – but I am a firm believer that if you see something isn’t working, you should offer yourself up to help. Which is why, while at a wedding in Madrid, I found myself being added to a group chat of strangers. The last two years though, this club, and the time with those then strangers, have been some of the best of my life.

    Joining the committee, being able to (hopefully) positively contribute to my community has been so rewarding. There is a lot of work to do, and my role is often invisible, but bit by bit it has been amazing to see the club grow and watch as more and more members take ownership over the club and feel, as I do, that they have a place to belong. And these strangers from across the club have also become so important to me, which couldn’t have been more evident with the death of my mum last year.

    What runs and races do you typically attend?

    Typically now I am a 7.5K to 10K runner. I will be very honest – I am a social runner. I am here for the chat… if there is no chat I am questioning my life choices and why I am running. So you are more likely to find me cheering a run with a whistle than running it. Besides, it is way more fun to dance, whistle and cheer others running than it is to actually do it myself. I have set myself a fitness goal of sub hour 10K and so I will do a few throughout the year just to check I am maintaining that.

    What's your favourite GFR event?

    My favourite GFR event has to be OutRun. This event I think represents the best of what GFR is for. We connect with the wider running community in Glasgow and beyond. We also provide an opportunity to bring other clubs from the FrontRunner family together for the weekend. I love that there are so many opportunities for members across the club to get involved, lead and own the event. What is special also is seeing the family volunteers take part that in decades past, for many more of us, could have been unthinkable.

    The fact also that it is not in Pride Month is really special to me as it ensures Queer activity in other parts of the year. Particularly as it is held in an iconic part of Glasgow.

    Watching the last two OutRun events come together has been phenomenal as everyone puts in so much. The run and coaching programme of the club getting people from C25K, to 10K, to Outrun. The work of the Events Ambassadors helping to organise. The efforts of the volunteers bring a smile to so many and the comms work makes sure the event is visible beyond our community. The social events are a massive celebration of our wider family and has that perfect fusion of Scots culture with our communities own. I love OutRun because it is very much making GFR an absolute FrontRunner for Queer visibility in this city, in the running community and beyond.

    What do you love most about GFR?

    I love that if your looking for it, and you try, there is a place to belong in this club. I am not a fast runner and I am not a distance runner. But I am way more than those things anyway. I am actually quite a shy person who prefers to be in the background – a quiet part of everything. At first I found it difficult to mix or make friends as I didn’t get involved and kept to myself, but since then I have found so many different ways to connect and belong. GFR has helped me to make friends in my own neighbourhood through at first sharing transport to and from events and now for dinners, coffees and local activities. I have found fellow ABBA & Eurovision lovers to dance with. Joining up with the club Teachers during the holidays (which can actually be pretty long and isolating) has also really helped me at times of the year that can be quite low. I have a group to enjoy rugby with and there are bingo lovers and gardeners and jigsawers. In this club, you are more than just a runner. By sharing more of who I actually am, I have been able to find more ways to belong than the first 30 years of my life.

    What's your favourite animal?

    Its totally a Duck – and then a Panda. And then a Penguin…which is kind of like a Duck Panda?

    What do you do when you're not running?

    I think I have shared enough. Anything more and it’s a dating profile.

    Anything else we should know about you...

    I am 95% Disney – but a lot of that is dark. Maleficent is a Queen and my absolute fav. No one can take her down in my eyes. Not even Mary Poppins – who isn’t even a princess.

  • Johnpaul’s responsibilities as Welfare and Inclusion Secretary

    • Develop diversity framework and build relationships with minority / marginalised groups within the LGBTQIA+ community to encourage and support their involvement with GFR with the aim of achieving greater club diversity

    • Own and maintain club policies in partnership with Club secretary to ensure compliance with governing body requirements and the principles of Equality, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EEDI)

    • Act as the primary contact for all issues of welfare, concerns, complaints and inclusion on behalf of the committee

    • Have responsibility for reporting on club diversity to committee on a range of protected characteristics

    • Support and record relevant EEDI training undertaken by the committee

    • Liaison of club Welcome Ambassadors

    • Liaison for member led events (when required)

    • Women and non-binary group liaison

    • Trans and non-binary group liaison

    • Supporting other roles to realise inclusive practice

    Johnpaul’s responsibilities as a member of the Committee

    • To act solely in the interests of Glasgow Front Runners membership

    • The governance and strategic development of the club

    • Organising club run sessions

    • Welcoming and supporting runners

    • Regularly attending club runs, social events and races

    • Adhering to club policies and procedures

    • Supporting President, Treasurer, Secretary and Run Secretary in discharging the duties of their offices

    • Creating a safe space for LGBTQIA+ runners and our allies

    • Promote regular club running amongst the membership

    • Create and promote leadership opportunities for and with the membership